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How to Generate More Leads in Five Ways


Even if you have an established audience, you may still not get the amount of leads you want. Lead generation isn't rocket science, but you have to know the best techniques.


Her are the top five lead generation methods successful online marketers have relied on for so long:


Email Signature


Day to day, you probably send so many emails. Did you know you can use this communication for promoting your business? Even if your recipients already know about it, they may have never really looked at it. Add a link to your email signature and spread it around. It's an unobtrusive way of selling your product or service; if you already have a relationship with your recipient, then there is a better chance that they will actually click on the link. Click here for more information on lead generation.


Consistent Blogging 


Most of us know that blogging is a big help to lead generation. But during times when we get so busy, we can forget why we're blogging in the first place - to have a consistent web presence. When we don't see any results soo, we do tend to be tempted to stop. Consistency is the secret. As soon as you've built a decent following, go ahead and start adding call to actions. To get more ideas on how Lead Generation works, check out


 About Page Optimization


One of the best steps you can take for cell phone leads generation is simply to make your About page optimized for your target audience. Those who are interested in you or your products and services usually check out this page. This is also a perfect place to show your personality and to tell people that you are real and that you are passionate about what you do. It's wise to add a call to action in this page.


The Squint Test


So you think you've exhausted all possible means and still, your leads are not enough. That could mean that your site still needs some improvement. One of the easiest ways to know if your web pages are effective is doing the squint test. As you look at your website, squint. What's the first thing that caught your eye? If it's not your call to action, then there's work to do.


Social Media Activity


Lastly, if you're really looking for more leads, you have to start by knowing where to find them. There's surely a lot of places, but we all know that social media is on top top. Yes, create your own business page, promote it, fill it with great content and wait for the leads to come. "Wait" doesn't actually mean you just sit there. You also need to seek out prospects by checking out their own feeds, profiles or pages. The more you know about them, the more you can come up with content that will make them interested.

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